Archive for 12 de noviembre de 2013

Can you comment on Eve’s fall?

Question: Can you comment on Eve’s fall?

    Answer: The fall of eve is recorded in Genesis 3. Much has been said and written on Eve’s fall, with justification. Let us analyze Eve’s departure from God by breaking down the process into steps.


    Eve listened and looked. Eve’s first mistake was in allowing the «devil» to speak with her, especially when it became apparent what he said opposed God (vss. 1-5). Eve not only listened, he looked upon the forbidden fruit (vs. 6).


    Eve desired and sinned. As a result of the verbal encouragement and looking, Eve desired (vs. 6). The gradation is obvious. Also, all three avenues of temptation are present (lust of flesh, eyes, and pride of life, 1 John 2: 16). The hook, if you please, is set (Jas. 1: 13, 14). Eve unquestionably sinned when she «did eat,» because she broke God’s commandment (Gen. 2: 17, 1 John 3:4).


    Eve tempted Adam and tried to hide. Eve was not content with violating God’s law herself, she tempted Adam (vs. 6). Eve then was so foolish and guilt ridden that she thought she could hide from God (rather than repent, vss. 8-11). Step number seven is seen in Eve’s blaming the devil, she is unwilling to confess her own sin!


    Beloved, the seven steps of Eve’s fall are played out each day in the life of many people. People listen to the devil, they look at what he offers, they desire, they commit the overt act, they lead others astray, and they try to hide from God. Much of the drug problem is simply people trying to hide from God. Adam and Eve’s sin had many consequences, and alas, the door of opportunity for sin was opened (Gen. 3; Rom. 5: 14-21). However, what was lost through Adam and Eve has been regained through the obedience and sacrifice of the Son of God (Rom. 5: 19-21). Let us look to Jesus as our example, not Adam and Eve (1 Pet. 2:21).


Para los indios Navajo, Ahsonnutli era el padre del cielo y el dios principal. Él creó el firmamento, la Tierra, y el cielo. Cada una de las cuatro direcciones, o puntos cardinales, está sostenido por un gigante. Cada dirección está simbolizada por un color: blanco-este; azul-sur; amarillo-oeste; negro-norte.

Estos colores son usados por un curandero (hombre sagrado) o cantante durante varias ceremonias para crear hermosas pinturas de arena. Los Navajos creen que cada dirección tiene un viento determinado el cuál forma las nubes.

Ellos creen que las nubes se producen por el movimiento de las alas de un cisne blanco en cada una de las cuatro esquinas.


  • Sumerio: An
  • Egipcio: Horus
  • Egipcio: Nut
  • Maori: Rangi
  • Nórdico: Tyr
  • Nórdico: Odín
  • Hindú: Indra
  • Griego: Zeus
  • Romano: Júpiter
  • Africano: Olorún

Falsos Maestros: Dante Gebel

Dante Gebel, conocido como «El pastor de los jóvenes. Nacido en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gran amigo de Jony Lopez. Actualmente, reside en Estados Unidos, y a sus 42 años fue nombrado «Pastor» Senior de la comunidad hispana en la Catedral de Cristal en Garden Grove California. Y también, es «Pastor» de la Favorday Church junto a su esposa Liliana.